C1: Costs of CC and the Loss & Damage Mechanism
Host: Ilan Noy
Here you can find a program outline. The conference comprises plenary sessions, workshops and an interactive poster session.
You can download the program overview, the full program, a participant list and the list of workshop participants:
C1: Costs of CC and the Loss & Damage Mechanism
Host: Ilan Noy
C2: Advancing the Economic Assessment of Climate Change. Gaps and future research
Host: Enrica De Cian
C5: Comparing methods for assessing climate impacts
Host: Juan-Carlos Ciscar
C6: Projecting armed conflict and unrest under climate change scenarios
Host: Elisabeth Gilmore
C8: Socio-economic consequences of climate extremes and compound impacts
Host: David N. Bresch
C9: Near-term crop yield forecasts to mitigate production risks
Host: Bernhard Schauberger
H1: Climate change and vector-borne diseases
Host: Cyril Caminade
H4: Future health in the context of the Paris Agreement
Host: Kristie Ebi
H5: Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health
Host: Shouro Dasgupta
M1: Social Tipping Points (STP), climate change and migration
Host: Pierre Ozer
M2: Sea-level rise and coastal migration
Host: Jochen Hinkel
M3: Adaptation through Migration - Limits, Conflicts and Policy Solutions
Host: Nicole Glanemann
M5: Impacts of environmental migration on conflict and cooperation
Host: Jürgen Scheffran
25 years of the Potsdam Institute - that's 25 years of climate impact research. In this very special session on the occasion of our anniversary we will reflect upon what has been achieved in the past quarter of a century. Yet more importantly we will discuss what sustainability science should do in the future. What are the challenges ahead, what do decision-makers expect from the research community, and how can science inform political processes such as the next UN climate summit in Bonn?
Thought-provoking climate concert - Orchestra of Change
Welcome note - Dr. Martina Münch, Minister for Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, Germany
Welcome note - Thomas Rachel, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany
Climate Impacts Research and the Potsdam Institute: A Quarter-Century Reflection - Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Director and Founder of PIK, Germany
Keynote - Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Germany
Why the world would urge for a PIK if it would not already exist? Congratulation to the 25th anniversary - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kleiner, President of the Leibniz Association, Germany
A video message from the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation - Carlos Moedas, European Commission
Climate-impacts research and the importance of basic science - Prof. Dr. Klaus von Klitzing, Nobel Laureate, Max Planck Institute for solid state research, Germany
5-min surprise film screening
S1: SDGs, intergenerational justice and representation of future generations
Host: Michael Reder
S3: Climate Change and the SDGs – Public Dialogue and SIDS
Host: Indi Mclymont-Lafayette
S5: Land and sea interfaces of the SDGs
Host: Tyler Eddy
S6: From impact and vulnerability assessments to adaptation planning and implementation
Host: Delphine Deryng
S8: AgMIP and the SDGs: Simulating Multiple Demands on Agriculture
Host: Cynthia Rosenzweig
S9: The role of mitigation and adaptation in securing SDGs under climate change
Host: Lorenza Campagnolo
S11: Evaluating the climate impacts of solar geoengineering
Host: Peter Irvine